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Music Development


Our Music Development Plan can be found below. 

Music is a great strength at Springhill. We have a music club after school every day which includes:

Key Stage 1 choir

Key Stage 2 choir

Recorder group

Rock band


Stringhill (string orchestra) 


All children learn to play the recorder and the ukulele and all children learn to read music.


Children can also opt to learn:

Piano, keyboard, guitar, trombone, violin, trumpet, clarinet (and the list goes on).

Rock Band

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 Recorder Group

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Music Spring Term Newsletter 2025:

Music Department Spring Term Update

The music department continues to grow as does the opportunities we can offer the children.

Brass Concert and Lessons

On the last day of the Autumn term, the Brass players from St Georges College came to perform to our children. The children enjoyed these performances and were amazed at the different types of brass instruments being played. All the children that played were ex Springhill pupils and still learn with our brass teacher Mr Llewellyn. If your child is interested in learning a brass instrument (Year 2 and above) the school does have a few limited spaces available. We also have a stock of brass instruments that can be hired from the school. 

Woodwind Lessons

Our Woodwind lessons are now up and running and our new flute and clarinet players have made an excellent start according to our new woodwind teacher Miss Gentile. We still have a few spaces available to start on these instruments (Flute and Clarinet) and again we do have school instruments available.

Please note there is an extra cost for theses lessons and a small hire charge for instruments. Currently, there are NO waiting lists for Woodwind or Brass lessons. Most of the other instrumental lessons (Violin, Cello, Guitar and Keyboard) operate a waiting list so do apply early!

Music Clubs

We have music clubs everyday of the week. Here is a reminder of the clubs we have. Please note for some of these clubs there is a is small half termly charge.

Key Stage 1 Choir (Year 1 and 2) – Mondays 3.15pm – 4.10pm

Stringhill (for String Players) - Tuesday before school (Invitation only)

Key Stage 2 Choir (Years 3 -6) Tuesdays 3.15pm – 4.15pm

Ukulele Club (Year 3 -6) Wednesdays 3.15pm – 4.15pm

Recorder Club (Year 5/6) Thursdays 3.15pm – 4.15pm

Rock Band (Year 5 and 6) Fridays 3.15pm – 4.15pm

We have over 120 children taking part in our after-school music clubs but we would love to have even more! Contact the school office if you would like your child to be involved! Looking forward to another great term of music making!

Mr Wyatt and the whole music team.